Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Assignments Make Everything Else More Funner.

Two days ago I wrote a blogpost saying I am too busy to write any posts before this weekend as I have 6 assignments due. Since then I have wrote two blogposts and even made a video experiment. Not so busy it seems.

When you have something like an assignment or any other boring thing to do everything else seems a lot more fun. So, here is a list of 10 things I could rather be doing right now.

1- Cleaning my room - On the clean-o-meter its at a 6, which is not that bad. But, cleaning my room feels like a very important thing to be done at this moment.

2- Clean the 2 day old dishes in the sink - I can't bear having dirty dishes in the sink. But, lately I have been a bit lazy and there are a couple of them to be washed. As much as I don't want to be in contact with water in the freezing temperature it seems like an interesting thing to do.

3- Watch GoT - I started watching Game of Thrones a few days ago and I just finished season 3. I am not very happy with the killing of all my favourite characters but it is sooooo interesting. Maybe I should catch up with season 4 before I start on the assignments.

4- Redo my room - I am bored of the setting already. Maybe it is because of this I have been having difficulty sleeping lately. Maybe I should redo my room and then I will be inspired to work on the assignments.

5- Shopping - There is literally not a grain of food to eat at home. Maybe I should go grocery shopping, so I wouldn't starve tomorrow morning.

6- Skype with Rish and Shaayan - These are my favourite girls and I feel likes its been too long since I have Skyped with them. Maybe now is the time.

7- Do my laundry - I have one pair of clean underwear left. Maybe I should do my laundry tonight, maybe I should do it right now.

8- Go out for a walk - Apart from the fact that its 6 degree Celsius outside I am loving this idea. Some fresh air could never do any harm.

9- Start Tumblr - I have had a couple of people telling me why I should start a Tumblr blog. And maybe its time I start work on it. Lets see.

10- Do a LoTR marathon - Everyday is a good day for a LoTR marathon. The assignments can wait.

Okay. I am just wasting time. And hoping to get inspired. This is not working. I am going to take a nap now and then will definitely start on the assignments after catching up on the Ellen show episodes I have missed.

Love you all.

Dear wise old man, enlighten me and inspire me.
ps. check out those cute shoes :D

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